Rods & Rockabilly

Rockabilly 300Hot rods and rock n roll have been staples of American culture since the early 1950s. The Village of Pinehurst brings chrome, whitewalls, poodle skirts, and pompadours to the Arboretum with its first-ever Rockabilly Concert. Take a dash of country and a sprinkle of blues, crank up the energy, volume, and fun, and get ready to dance as Pinehurst welcomes the hopping sounds of Wilmington's The Phantom Playboys. Classic car owners are encouraged to arrive early and show off their period autos (pre-1960 for this event, please). Stick around for great food and fantastic music. This is an event that cannot be missed! 

 Friday, August 11, 2017

6:00 pm - 9:00 PM

Village Arboretum

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